One of the most common reasons for having damaged hair or suffering excessive hair loss is that we maintain some practices that are not recommended for the health and vitality of our hair. For example, the frequent use of certain chemicals that not only poisons the inside of our body (since part of those components pass into our bloodstream through the capillary pores), but also weakens and burns our hair.


Many times, we let ourselves be seduced more by the advertising of a product than by its characteristics. We recommend that, from now on, you base your purchasing decisions on the amount of toxic ingredients present in a hair product. Choose the one that is more natural and contains the least chemical components. Your hair will thank you!

As you know from other entries, there are shampoos with milder surfactants than others, for example, shampoos for babies or for people with hair problems and atopic skin. They are usually shampoos without sulfates and without aggressive surfactants such as the famous Sodium Laureth Sulfate that always appears first on the labels of shampoos and that is known to be an aggressive surfactant that our body can not eliminate and that, according to the American College of Toxicology, accumulates in the heart, kidneys, liver and brain.

Even if you do not get so much foam, it is better that you try a more natural shampoo that you can buy in any herbalist or store of organic products, and then you will experience first-hand the long-term result. Natural products do not always have such an effective effect in the short term. Maybe a natural shampoo does not produce as much foam as a commercial one full of aggressive surfactants, maybe a natural hair conditioner does not leave it as manageable as a commercial conditioning cream, or a natural dye is not as practical to apply as a chemical one. But the important thing is that, in the long term, natural products are much more beneficial because they do not intoxicate us. You will notice that your hair has less fall, for example, or your skin remains softer and with fewer imperfections…

Another cosmetic full of toxics is hair dye. Did you know that hairdressing professionals are much more likely to get bladder cancer? Well, this is due to excessive contact with very dangerous substances that are found, among many other products, in hair dyes.

Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) is one of those components and, although it is banned in some countries such as France, Germany or Sweden, in Spain, for example, it is not. Although, without a doubt, the  most dangerous compound is anilines that, according to an article published by, penetrate the bloodstream increasing the chances of getting bladder cancer over the years. The dyes that carry them in greater quantity are those of dark colors.

If you are used to dye your hair to cover gray hair, we advise you to use henna, a natural dye whose only drawback is its reduced color chart, which tends to mahogany or reddish, but covers gray hair perfectly, moisturizing, nourishing, strengthening and giving volume and shine to the hair. You will notice a drastic change in the percentages of hair loss. We can assure you.

Diffuse hair loss in women is often due to a temporary stress-related disorder or poor diet. In these cases, hair loss is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as physical fatigue, discouragement and poor quality of sleep.  ;an article by Claudina Navarro Walter




Proteins in general and especially the amino acids l-lysine, l-cysteine and methionine. To ensure that you get them in sufficient quantity, consume protein foods, such as legumes and nuts, several times a day.

The B vitamins, which in the vegetarian diet are found in legumes, whole grains (especially oats), nuts and green leaves.

Vitamin A, provided by carrots, vegetables and most yellow or orange vegetables.

Iron, which is found in sesame seeds, chickpeas or lentils, foods that should be consumed along with a source of vitamin C to multiply the absorption of the mineral.

Sulfur is indispensable in the synthesis of keratin. It is found in whole grains, cabbages, leeks, garlic and onions.

Zinc is essential for the skin. Helps control dandruff and hair loss. It is found in pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, cashews and hemp seeds.

When the loss is evident when combing your hair or running your hand through your hair, it is advisable to tackle possible deficiencies by taking foods with very concentrated nutrients, such as brewer’s yeast and sprouts.

In short, minerals such as sulfur, copper, iron, magnesium, silicon, iodine and zinc, along with vitamins A, B6 and B12, proteins, biotin and folic acid are the most common nutrients that must be included in the diet if you want strong and good-looking hair.


In the case of men, as you know, half of men suffer from alopecia on the top of the head due to hormonal and hereditary factors. The Sabal serrulata plant can delay hair loss by lowering the levels of dihydrotestosterone in the prostate, a hormone that shortens the growth phase in hair. The recommended dose is 160-320 mg daily.

For women with alopecia caused by loss of estrogens, the dong quai plant and the soy isoflavones are recommended to regulate the endocrine system. It is also important to avoid excess hair loss to use products that are as natural as possible and act as a hair treatment, such as the coffee shampoo that we will talk about after or the use of essential oils, which work especially well when hair loss occurs due to an excess of sebum. Thus, if we have oily hair, we can use a specific product and add a few drops of essential oil (rosemary, cedar or tea tree) to massage the scalp with it, letting it act for a few minutes.



In this section we wanted to include three beneficial herbal formulations to prevent hair loss:

Henna Mask: The “neutral henna” root powder (Cassia obovata) does not color, but tones the hair. A mask made with 50 g of cassia root and boiling water is applied. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the pasta.

Red henna, which does dye hair, shares these same properties, so people who dye with henna instead of using chemical dyes notice a great improvement in this aspect.

Soap stick tonic: Soap stick (Quillaja saponaria Molina) slows down the fall. Dilute three tablespoons of soap stick in 250 ml of water, boil it for 5 minutes and let it cool. Strain it, massage in the resulting soapy water and wait 5 minutes before rinsing your hair. Perform the application every day for a week and then every 7.

Red cinchona colony: Macerate 30 g of cinchona (Cinchona succirubra pavon) in 100 ml of rum for one month. Then strain it and apply it as a cologne that will strengthen the hair.

Ronkina: This tonic is based on two remedies used since ancient times such as rosemary and cinchona. Rosemary is an aromatic plant that stimulates blood circulation, so that hair improves its capillary structure, growing stronger and healthier. Prevents hair loss and breakage. As we saw in the previous section, Quina, by itself, strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. This plant also has antiseptic and healing properties.

What we will do is macerate these two plants for forty days in a mixture of purified water and 96º alcohol. We thus manage to reduce the alcohol a little and that it is not so aggressive for the hair, for example, 30% alcohol and 70% water. It is also possible to infuse both herbs and strain them. We can keep the infusion in the fridge for a few days.




I don’t know if you’ve ever tried caffeine-based hair loss treatment shampoos. Caffeine is tremendously effective when it comes to avoiding excess hair loss and it is also possible, in a very easy way, to prepare a coffee shampoo at home.

Excess hair fat can cause our hair to fall out more than normal, but hair loss can also be caused by the use of chemical dyes, a lack of essential minerals, or also because of strong hormonal changes such as those that occur during menopause.

While it is true that shampoos based on rosemary, sulfur and essential oils play a fundamental role in combating hair loss due to excess sebum. It is no less true that  shampoos containing caffeine  are an exceptional remedy when it comes to treating hair loss due to hormonal changes. If you find yourself in this situation, do not hesitate, caffeine-based shampoos are your best allies.



And why add coffee to our shampoo?

  1. Because it improves the blood circulation of the scalp and strengthens the hair: Caffeine has been proven to increase blood circulation throughout the scalp, which stimulates the hair follicles and significantly increases hair growth. Therefore, adding ground coffee to our shampoo will make our hair grow much faster. Coffee contains high levels of antioxidants that are responsible for stimulating the production of healthy cells in the scalp. In addition, it also helps protect hair cells so that hair stays safe from damage, especially from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. We suggest that you opt for black coffee beans to obtain the maximum benefits since the antioxidant content of pure black coffee is higher.
  2. Prevents frequent hair loss: Research has revealed that caffeine is extremely effective in reproducing hair follicles in a healthy and strong way. Being a hair growth stimulator, caffeine is also good for preventing hair loss problems in a short period of time. It is observed that, if coffee is applied in the right amount, it has the power to penetrate deep into the hair roots, nourish the follicles and restore the growth of hair fibers.
  3. Coffee not only provides us with a super shiny hair, but also makes dry, frizzy hair become softer and smoother. If you’re struggling to control your damaged and dehydrated strands, using a homemade coffee shampoo can help you tremendously. In addition, it can help you cover your first gray hair because coffee has a mild dyeing effect. Above all, in the age of gray hair and menopause in which hormonal imbalances and chemical dyes accelerate hair loss, having a shampoo based on caffeine is an exceptional ally.



If you have straight and under-bodied hair, this is the best option: add black coffee to your favorite neutral shampoo.

To prepare a whole bottle of shampoo and not have to repeat the procedure every time you go to wash your hair, you can do the following:

You will need:

4 spoons of well-ground coffee

1 tablespoon cinnamon

Half a cup of neutral shampoo


And why do we add cinnamon to it?

Cinnamon has been proven to enhance the effects of improving the microcirculation that coffee presents, with which, the sum of both, exerts a greater effect in the prevention of hair loss.

One of the active compounds of cinnamon is very powerful to dilute the blood and activate circulation, this is essential since it promotes a good supply of oxygen in the cells of the whole organism.


In a bowl-type container add the 4 tablespoons of ground coffee powder, then the tablespoon of cinnamon while stirring very well.

And finally, you add the half cup of your favorite neutral shampoo. Stir well until the mixture is integrated and you can return it with a funnel to your shampoo bottle and use it the next day.



Instead of coffee it is possible to use a caffeine capsule of approximately one gram that we will mix with the tablespoon of cinnamon. Then we will add this mixture to our neutral shampoo and we can start using it. However, I have been able to personally verify that with ground black coffee it works even better. Perhaps because of the contribution of natural antioxidants from pure black coffee.

The following options are more suitable for those who have an afro, dry and frizzy curly hair because the shampoo bars tend to grease the hair and leave it flat.

This is very suitable for fans of the co-washing technique because this type of shampoo bar is especially conditioning. In fact, the practice of using a conditioner as shampoo (co-washing) became popular in the United States among this type of people with very dry and damaged hair.

With the use of shampoo bars, you will need to use at the end of the wash an acid conditioner based on natural apple cider vinegar so that your hair is perfect because the shampoo bars tend to alkalize it and leave it less loose.



Caffeine extract is formidable to treat our hair and give it strength and shine. When caffeine is incorporated into hair treatments, it acts directly on the scalp strengthening the hair fiber and preventing its fall.


150 grams of glycerin soap dough

9 tablets of 200 mg pure caffeine

20 drops of essential oil of cinnamon, for example



It is also possible to make the mass of glycerin soap in a homemade way according to the recipe of the “blog of the bombolla de l’arc iris”:


45 grams of stearic acid

190 grams of coconut oil

100 grams of olive oil

53 grams of soda diluted in 113 grams of water


PROCEDURE: This soap is cold saponified and grated the next day.

After grating it, prepare a syrup with 100 grams of sugar and 100 grams of water by putting the syrup and grated soap in a pot over low heat.

All followed, 60 grams of glycerin and 200 grams of alcohol are added and it is turned and mixed gently while melting.

We are removing the thick and white layer of soap without saponifying that is left on the surface.

Once melted and cleared, it is put in a mold and allowed to cool. If it is difficult to take hardness you can leave a while in the fridge watching that it does not cool excessively and harden too much.

We get a clear glycerin type soap as a result.



Ingredients for high 12% over greasing

365 grams of olive oil (42%)

232 grams of coconut oil (25%)

232 grams of organic palm oil* (25%)

48 grams of shea butter (5%)

A tablespoon of beeswax

60 grams of ground coffee

270 grams of distilled water

118 grams of caustic soda

A tablespoon of clay, preferably red and

One tablespoon of cinnamon*




TIPS: You will need a silicone mold of approximately one liter.

* Cinnamon will help us, on the one hand, to give a better aroma to our soap and, on the other, to facilitate the penetration of caffeine into the scalp during washing.

* Palm fat, if we cannot find it from sustainable cultivation, we can replace it with pork or cow sebum, whose saturated fats are also very useful to harden the soap and provide it with washing properties (it is not a very sustainable alternative either, but it is a way to take advantage of all the parts of an animal that has been slaughtered anyway). The only other possible alternative would be to use castor oil since we are going to use it as a shampoo for hair and castor is very suitable as a hair washing agent.



First, we need to prepare the bleach solution. We will use half a cup of coffee and half a cup of water for this project. We will prepare the coffee with distilled water. The stronger the coffee, the darker the soap mass.



We will measure 60 grams of ground coffee and add 270 grams of distilled water to the coffee, which must be cooled to room temperature before continuing. Once the bleach (the water along with the ground coffee and the caustic soda) is at room temperature we will add the bleach by stirring gently until it dissolves completely. The mixture produces a frightening odor, so we advise you to prepare it on the balcony or terrace. But don’t worry that once the soap dries it no longer smells bad and even less so if you put the spoonful of cinnamon. Again, let it cool to room temperature.

Previously we will also have melted beeswax and palm butter, shea butter and coconut to which we will add, once melted, olive oil.

Once all the oils and butters are melted, let it cool. When the temperature of the oils is below 30 degrees, we can add the bleach (mixture of soda, water and coffee) to the mixture of oils and start beating until we reach the “trace” (or cream point)

Now that it starts to trace, we will add the clay and cinnamon and we will continue beating until our dough is well traced and all the elements have been incorporated.

Now we will pour the soap dough into the mold. Shake the mold slightly to remove any bubbles.

We will leave the soap in the mold for about two or three days well covered so that the saponification process is not cut.


We can now unmold it and cut it into bars. The bars will need to be dried for four to six weeks before they can be used to optimize their pH and prevent traces of caustic soda.


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