I like to read, I like to study, I like books and I’m generally quite self-taught and I suppose that says a lot about me. For someone who likes learning so much, the internet is a source of continuous fun because you can learn everything and that’s how I started to make my first cold saponified soaps through tutorials and videos that I found online.
Each person has to find the answer that best suits him or her at all times. My concern led me to find the answer through NATURISM.
More than an answer, naturopathy is a philosophy of life in which everyone ends up understanding that, in case it is not enough with what “we bring as standard”, we also have to ensure that unhealthy foods, environmental deterioration, chemical-laden hygiene products and toxic emotions do not end up drowning us in this battle to stay afloat in a balanced way. Battle that we all have to fight in one way or another.
The important thing is not to live longer, but to add quality of life to the years that one has to live. A life without health is not worth living, although this statement may seem a bit drastic. And this is why so many of us have embarked on the adventure of learning to truly care for ourselves. An adventure that has led us to discover that any way or possibility of prolonging our life and making it healthier begins with choosing a healthy diet.
The problem with the internet is that, although the information that we can find on any subject on the net is infinite; it is biased information that is completely dispersed and that is sometimes contradictory and, at other times, erroneous. Gathering all that information, classifying it, and discerning what is valid from what is not requires a lot of time and specialized reading. I think that it is not possible to order all this information if we do not expand it through expert readings.
That is why I started a long time ago with a lot of readings that, if you are interested in natural health, I highly recommend:
How not to die, Dr Michael Greger, www.nutritionfacts.org
The longevity diet, Dr. Valter Longo (Grijalbo, 2017)
The Vegetarian Bible, Sarah Brown (Integral, 2009)
The eternal secrets of health and rejuvenation, Andreas Moritz
Richard Gerber, Energy Healing. Robinbook
Energy of Health and Life. Scientific and philosophical bases of holistic disciplines / Víctor Manuel del Hoyo Arriaza
Eat to Heal, Dr William W. Li (Grijalbo 2019)
Petra Neumayer, Natural Antibiotics, Integral, Barcelona, 2000.
Stephen Ardo Buhner, Natural Antibiotics, Ediciones Obelisco, Barcelona, 2002.
Ma Bible des huiles essentielles, de Danièle Festy
Badoux, Dominique. Practical guide to family and scientific aromatherapy: my twelve preferred essential oils. Amyris Editions 2011
Kaibeck, Julien. Slow Cosmetics: recipes and beauty tips for conscious and natural cosmetics. Barcelona EDAF, 2014
For an intelligent cosmetic, Dominique Baudoux, Amyris editions, 2010.
Castelloti, Clara. The kit of the fairies. Madrid, Tikal 1999
Etc, etc, etc …
And it is that since what I thought was an atopic dermatitis became an MCS, I had to start rethinking my life if I did not want to suffer constant eruptions, indigestion, alopecia and a lot of things that derive from this reactivity towards the synthetic products (chemicals) that surround us everywhere.
* I want to make a point and clarify that natural is not the opposite of chemical. By definition all substances are chemical. Sometimes the chemical term is used in a pejorative way, when in fact it is meant to mean synthetic or artificial. Likewise, natural is not always synonymous of harmless.
Incredible as it may seem, all these disparate symptoms had a single cause, the chemicals present in the processed food we consume, in the hygiene products we use, in cosmetics, perfumes and other substances that, in some way, through the skin, the air, or the intake ends up in our bloodstream.
This problem led me to study and dive a lot online and I ended up discovering many very good pages and courses through which I learned how to make my own hygiene and cosmetic products, such as: VidaNaturalia’s natural cosmetics course, the course of Organicus mineral makeup, the course of natural saponified cold soap on the page of “how to make soaps”, etc …
Going to a face-to-face course or workshop, whenever possible, also has numerous advantages since you can consult all your doubts with an expert and obtain clear, certain, and immediate answers in addition to meeting many other people who share your same hobby.
Some links to the numerous and interesting pages that I have been discovering:
The spanish magazine Cuerpo-Mente; https://www.cuerpomente.com/
Spanish magazine Revista Integral.net;https://www.larevistaintegral.net/
The page about natural antibiotics in spanish: antibioticosnaturales.com; https://antibioticosnaturales.com/
The page about dietetics of Montse Bradford; https://montsebradford.es/, also in english.
The natural cosmetics blog of Victoria Moradell, etc…
Aromatherapy’s blog of Antonia Jover en https://aromaterapiafamiliar.wordpress.com/
The Instagram account of racó de la bruixeta: https://www.instagram.com/racodelabruixeta/
And the pages of trucosnaturales.com and comohacerjabones.com where you will find a «saponification calculator» very useful to formulate the recipes of your cold saponified soaps.
We spend our days working to get money to be able to buy these products (processed food, cosmetic and personal and domestic hygiene products, etc.) that save us some time but ruin our health. However, all these products can be prepared at home in a healthier way.
The solution is not to stop consuming, but to do it more consciously. When we buy we decide the society we want, change always begins with oneself.
Another economic model is possible, a model that prioritizes sustainable development, renewable energy, collaborative and local consumption, fairtrade, organic farming, the consumption of fresh and healthy food … And framed within this new paradigm of consumption is “this healthy learning space” that tries to propose small gestures and “green alternatives” in our daily lives leading to a simpler and more harmonious lifestyle.
So, although my life path began with academic studies in psychology and pedagogy, and, for many years I worked as a teacher, now I dedicate myself to cosmetics and natural health.
I make myself all my cosmetic products, as well as personal and domestic hygiene products like shampoos, soaps, deodorants, makeup, detergents and natural soaps for the washing machine or for the daily cleaning of the kitchen.
Our idea is to continue growing and learning with the contribution of all Internet users. We want this page to be a source of information and self-help and for this we want to have your suggestions and comments.
Any comment that may be useful to us to contribute to content and ideas will be well received.