El cabello graso no es más que la producción excesiva de sebo. Sin embargo, el pelo graso genera numerosos problemas a nuestra salud capilar, más allá del factor estético (cabello…
As we have always clarified in this blog, to prepare a basic but equally nutritious cream, a good oil or butter and beeswax will suffice to make the emulsion. As…
We have formulated this serum with aloe vera and glycerin, instead of base oil, to make it very light. The infusion of rosemary and its essential oil give it interesting…
Although it is not usual in this blog, we wanted to add this entry recommending a totally natural henna dye that can be very beneficial to people suffering from hair…
Si probáis esta crema os encantará la fluidez de su textura y su capacidad de hidratación. Ingredientes: ¼ taza de aceite (oliva, coco, almendra, jojoba ...) ¼ taza de karité…